Sunday, 24 March 2013


Thank you for making my life meaningful
I give thanks to:
Allah because give an opportunity to me to live in this world
Rasulullah because give the Nur of Islam.It makes my life smooth
Thanks to my family because always supporting me
Thanks to my sibling because always make me smile and my life becomes more meaningful
Thanks to my friends because always supporting me


Friday, 22 March 2013


Tiba-tiba muncul balik. Dan sangat menimbulkan tanda tanya, konfius dan paling penting happy :).
Walaupun rasa bertepuk sebelah tangan tapi tak da masalah la,,doa senjata umat islam.
Selagi belum terjadi apa-apa masih boleh berdoa dan berdoa.
Dan pada masa yang sama percaya dengan ketentuan Allah.
Allah adalah sebaik-baik perancang. Sentiasa berpegang dengan ayat ni.

Almost 1 year, no contact,no news and of course no called..hmmm
and the way the person approach me is like we are always contacting each other.
just like we have been friends for a long time, i just accept it as it is. Done

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Hidup ini penuh dengan lakonan,
kita kena berlakon yang kita sedang gembira,
berlakon yang kita suka,
berlakon yang kita nie bahagia,

hakikatnya hati sakit,
terasa dikhianati,
terasa diketepi,
terasa disisihkan.

tapi inilah hidup,
manusia berubah,
kita manusia,
ada hati yang cepat berubah,


sometimes we feel like we have a lot of friends,
there are a lot of phone numbers in your contact list,
but it is too little in your inbox or call log list,

we always tried to keep in touch with them,
but it still the same,
no reply and no question,


Women all over the world

Our dignity are very high,
Rasulullah fight to upper our dignity,
don't you easily lower down it,

don't easily hanging around with ajnabi
put you picture on fb without hijab
or picture with your aurat opened

you heart,
take care of it,
don't easily give it to a man,
a man that is not your husband

practice what rasulullah did,
couple after marriage,
the term we use nowadays

one more thing,
not hoping too much to a man,
although you like each other

Monday, 18 March 2013

Deep Inside

sometimes i like,
sometimes i hate,
but i know there is kindness inside,
just accept it as it is,

i learn to accept,
although it is tough task,
but i've tried,
peoples around make it hard,
but just ignore,

in shaa allah
there is a way,


Phone Clone to Let Go

i'm selling phone now
although it is just clone from Korea and also from China
they have a great quality
99% same as original
can use original casing

if you are interested some of these:

S3 MINI LIKE ORI -RM 420 (latest edition)

=====ZONE CLONE=====

Note 2 PUTIH - RM 670.00 free screen protector + flip casing
-handfree beg
-ori kotak 
-manual book

Note 2 TITANUM GREY - RM 670.00 (latest edition) free screen protector + flip casing
-handfree beg
-ori kotak 
-manual book

S 3 = RM620.00 (latest edition) free screen protector

-handfree beg
-ori kotak 
-manual book

RM720.00 free screen protector + MEMORY 4GB

you can contact me 

msg/whatsapp at 019-4529543

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Smiles Again

feel like my heart smiles again.And always smile
hope it will last longer,
not hoping anything
just pray :)