Saturday, 17 November 2012

Pray for GAZA

Whoever you are, whenever you are now,
I beg you..
Please PRAY for GAZA,,
They need us,,,
Only pray for them,,
That's all we can do..PRAY 
For their safety and destroy ISRAEL!!! 


Thursday, 15 November 2012

Our Sahabiah

---> This is about Palestinians, Syria and Rohingya <---

I see the world,
How many people running over the time,
Some in happiness.
Some are grieving,

I'm eyeing in a thin of my iman,
Sheets flick fragile heart,
Trying to interpret the meaning of ISLAM,
When I see the sahabiah here, including me,
Excited in the bustling lives of teenager,
But there???
Already educated the martyrs and JEHAD,

I saw muslims,
Some are care and some are KNOW NOTHING!

How sad, they were tortured there,
But we are comfortable here!!!

Come on,ALL PRAY, because They ARE
piece of space and time there...

IF THEY are hurt, WE ALSO feels their suffer...

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


Is a women who is always on hand when I was in the cradle,
When my feet yet powerful toe-to stand,
When my stomach feels hungry and thirsty,
When I woke up in the morning, day and night,

Had I looked at your face at bedtime,
There is a ray full of blessed,
There is a ray full of patience,
There is a ray full of love and affection,
There is a ray of exhaustion because of me,

You cry because of me,
You sad because of me,
You suffer because of me,
You lean because of me,
You sacrifice everything because of me,

Your services will never be reply,
Nor you services unintentionally,
There is no end of your services,
Your services is comparable,
Your services have been painted in the Heaven,

I have thrust your eyes,
Against the sun,
You have stamping your feet,
For oppressing earth,
You have brace your heart,
To conquest the time,

You have spend so much time,
Just to protect me,
You have sacrifice your dream,
Just to raise me,

My heart broke seeing you cry,
My heart ruin seeing you hurt,
I'm become weak when you are not around,

Only with prayer that I could sent to you,
Because you services,
Cannot be replace.

Only my cries as a witness,
For my LOVE to you.


I'm just GOD dwarf slave working to try to collect pearls in the ocean of experience,
To spread prosperity of religion through the life full of struggle regions,
To scatter particular coral to be used,
Try to be the crown jewel among the glass that is hard to distinguished,
And trying to get the end of this life in Iman.

Subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahu akbar, insyaallah

For The Rest of My life

I praised Allah for sending me you my love,
You found me home and sail with me,
And I'm here with you,
Now let me let you know,
You've opened my heart,
I was always thinking that love was wrong,
But everything was changed when you came along,

And there's a couple words I want to say.

For the rest of my life,
I'll be with you,
I'll stay by your side honest and true,
Till the end of my time,
I'll be loving you, loving you,
For the rest of my life.
Trough days and night,
I'll thank to Allah for open my eyes,
Now and forever I...I'll be there for you,

I know that in deep in my heart,
I feel so blessed when I think of you,
And I ask Allah to bless all we do,
You're my wife and my friend and my strength,
And I pray we're together eternally,
Now I find myself so strong,
Everything changed when you came along

And  there's couple word I wan to say,

*repeat Chorus*

I know that deep in my heart..

Camel as a Judger

In the Prophet's time, there is a Jew who accuse the Muslims stole the camel. So she brought four false witnesses from the hypocrites. Prophet s.a.w decided that the camel belongs to the Jews, and the Muslims are punished with hudud, cut his hand. Its confusion the Muslims. Then he raised His head to the sky and said, "Lord,Thou knows that I am not stealing the camel."
Muslims further said to the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, so your decision is right, but ask for evidence of this camel."

The Propjet s.a.w asked the camel, "O camel,who belongs to you?" Camel replied with words of eloquent and candid, "O Allah, I belong to the Muslims and indeed is lying." So he s.a.w say to the Muslims , "O Muslims, let me, what you do, until Allah Almighty make this camel can speak the truth." The Muslims replied, "O Messenger of Allah, I do not sleep at night until I read the blessing ahead of you ten times"

He said, "You are safe from the law in the world, cut your hand, and secure from the torture in the Hereafter also later blessed, because you read the selawat for me"
It is highly recommended to read salawat by religious because it ensure us high reward from Allah SWT and can protect our-self from all kinds of disaster that befell both in this world and in the hereafter. As in the story, the Muslims have been accused of theft gets protection from Allah through judging from camel. 

To Solehah Women

✿~✿ Solehah Women ✿~✿

I Wanted To Tell this,
If you do NOT know how to dressed well with a beautiful jeweled, it is OKAY,
If you do NOT know how to makeup like others women do, it does NOT matter,

But you must be clever how to RESPECT YOURSELF,
Trying to IMPROVE YOURSELF and hard working to search RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE,

I know, when you're looking for hard working,
religious knowledge, later "beauty" that you will
STAY in front of me, even in heaven there.

Be righteous woman is not only for your parents,
but also to Allah and His Messenger.

❤Can you?❤

Dua' To Protect our Heart

Dua' To Protect Our Heart

"Oh God, If my heart infusion for reform or anything else that You Blessed, so help me to implement it, and if my heart were infusion for doing evil or anything invitational thy wrath then you failed it O God, Failed it O God, Failed it O God"

Monday, 12 November 2012

Allah is The Best Planner

My Mother

Who should I give my love to?My respect and my honor toWho should I pay good mind to?After AllahAnd Rasulullah
Comes your motherWho next? Your motherWho next? Your motherAnd then your father
Cause who used to hold youAnd clean you and clothes youWho used to feed you?And always be with youWhen you were sickStay up all nightHolding you tightThat's right no otherYour mother (My mother)
Who should I take good care of?Giving all my loveWho should I think most of?After AllahAnd Rasulullah
Comes your motherWho next? Your motherWho next? Your motherAnd then your father
Cause who used to hear you
Before you could talkWho used to hold you?Before you could walkAnd when you fell who picked you upClean your cutNo one but your motherMy mother
Who should I stay right close to?Listen most toNever say no toAfter AllahAnd Rasulullah
Comes your motherWho next? Your motherWho next? Your motherAnd then your father
Cause who used to hug youAnd buy you new clothescomb your hairAnd blow your noseAnd when you cryWho wiped your tears?Knows your fearsWho really cares?My mother
Say AlhamdulillahThank you AllahThank you AllahFor my mother.


Strength of Basmalah

If a person goes out of his house and says: "Bismillah, tawakkaltu ‘ala Allah, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa Billaah"

"In the name of Allah, I put my trust in Allah, and there is no power and no strength except with Allah," It is said to him: "You are guided, taken care of and protected" 

 So the devil keeps away from him so much so that another devil says: "What can you do against a man who is guided, taken care of and protected?" (narrated by Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)


Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer.'' It was asked, "Who is that, O Messenger of Allah?'' He said, "One whose neighbour does not feel safe from his evil". [Bukhari and Muslim]

Quranic Verse

It is He who created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot; then He brings you out as a child; then [He develops you] that you reach your [time of] maturity, then [further] that you become elders. And among you is he who is taken in death before [that], so that you reach a specified term; and perhaps you will use reason. (Surat Al Ghafir 40:67)